
Academic Calendar

The program is a continuous 24 months of study with classes broken down into (8) 13-week quarters. Each school year begins in July and ends at the end of June of the following year. Students are issued grades at the end of each quarter.

2021-2022 Academic Calendar

Quarter 1/5* July 5, 2021 to October 1, 2021
Quarter 2/6October 4, 2021 to December 31, 2021
Quarter 3/7 January 3, 2022 to April 1, 2022
Quarter 4/8April 4, 2022 to July 2, 2022

*Quarter 1 for 1st year students would be Quarter 5 for 2nd year students, etc.

Note: Due to leap year, holidays, and the number of days in a month, the calendar must occasionally be shifted so that the quarters stay aligned with the beginning of the month or year. This only occurs every few years and does not affect the total 24 months that the student attends the program.

Didactic and Clinical Obligations

All classes are held at the facilities of Columbus Regional Hospital. Clinical Education is received in the facilities of the hospital and at Southern Indiana Orthopedics.

Attendance is full-time, approximately 5 days per week, and broken down into classroom and clinical instruction. Classroom instruction is held during normal weekday hours. The majority of clinical rotations occurs during weekday hours, although students will also be assigned to limited rotations for weekend and evening experience. Clinical hours spent in weekend and evening assignments will not exceed 25% of the total clinical clock hours.

Columbus Regional Hospital recognizes the following 6 holidays:  New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, and Christmas.   Students will be granted time off for all 6 holidays and for the day after Thanksgiving during the course of their training.

Academic Policies

The student is required to maintain an 80% GPA per quarter during the 24 month training program. The student is required to pass each course with a minimum of 75%. Each course must be passed to achieve graduation requirements. Grades are computed quarterly and a report is given to the student at the end of each quarter. The following grading scale is followed:









74 % and below


Students acquiring a final grade point average of 3.4 or higher on a scale of 4.0 will graduate "With Honors".

Graduation Requirements

In order to receive a certificate of graduation, students must successfully complete all academic courses and the clinical competency program according to the established criteria. In addition, candidates must have made up all absences in excess of that allowed by the program and have met all financial obligations to the program.

In addition, passing a designated mock exam at the end of the program qualifies the graduate for a block of credit through Ivy Tech Community College and results in the award of an Associate of Applied Science in Imaging Sciences degree.  Testing fee for this is approximately $70.


The Columbus Regional Hospital School of Radiologic Technology program includes the following courses. Healthcare is an ever changing technology; therefore, the program criterion is subject to change at the discretion of the program officials.

Introduction to Radiography

This course introduces the student to the basic aspects of radiologic technology, radiology departments, and the healthcare system in general. The basic principles of radiation protection are also introduced.

Medical Law and Ethics

This unit will provide the student with respect for interpersonal relationships, along with moral and ethical responsibilities to increase effective communication and empathy for the patient. The medico-legal considerations addressed will also assist the student regarding legal principles and responsibilities.

Medical Terminology

This course will introduce the medical abbreviations, symbols, and terms that the professional will employ throughout a career in the medical field.

Methods of Patient Care

This course will provide the student with the basic concepts of patient care. Routine and emergency patient care procedures will be covered, as well as patient transport, CPR, contrast media, veni-puncture, pharmacology, and infection control.

Radiographic Procedures I - IV

Students learn the basic fundamentals and advanced methods of radiographic positioning of the appendicular skeleton, the thoracic and abdominal contents, the vertebral column, and the bones of the facial bone mass and skull. Image evaluation is included as well.

Pediatric Radiography

Radiographing children can be a challenge. The psychological approach to the child and the utilization of special devices can help the radiographer achieve optimal images with the least amount of exposure to the child. Some special pediatric exams will also be covered.

Surgery and Portables

An overview of conducting exams in the operating room is given, including proper operating room apparel, proper conduct during a surgical procedure, and a review of sterile technique. The most common exams are covered, with an explanation of the surgery itself along with a detailed description of the special radiography equipment required and the role of the radiographer in the procedure.

Trauma Radiography

This course is a concise introduction to radiographing trauma patients. Students will learn to use critical thinking skills to adapt standard positioning techniques to the varied situations that one encounters when doing trauma exams.

Principles of Radiographic Exposure I - III

The design, structure, function and application of the equipment needed to produce a radiographic image are presented. Aspects of digital imaging are covered. Students also learn the regulations that govern quality assurance and the techniques, equipment and procedures for attaining it.

Principles of Computed Tomography

One big change in diagnostic imaging is the replacement of some radiographic procedures with CT exams. In this course the student will learn the basics of performing CT studies. The history of CT, fundamentals of CT image production, instrumentation, quality control, and procedure considerations are covered in an attempt for the student to gain entry-level training for employment in computerized tomography.

Radiation Physics I & II

This course concentrates on basic information about the physical properties of radiation: how it is produced, how it is measured, and how it interacts with matter. Also included is information about electrostatics, x-ray tubes, transformers, rectification, and x-ray circuits in general.

Radiobiology and Radiation Protection

Through an understanding of the effects of radiation on living tissue, the radiographer must realize the importance of using ionizing radiation in a safe and prudent manner. The effects of exposure factors on radiation dose, radiation dose-limiting standards, and the methods of exposure monitoring will be covered as well.

Cross-Sectional Anatomy

This course will introduce the student to anatomy seen in a cross-sectional orientation that is so prevalent in advanced imaging procedures. Sagittal, coronal, and transverse planes will be used to explore the head, thorax and abdominal regions of the body.

Radiographic Pathology

This unit will acquaint the student with various pathologic conditions of the body and their impact on the radiographic process. Additionally, knowledge of the disease entities is helpful in working with the patient.

Special Procedures

Students learn advanced positioning skills as well as set-ups involving sterile technique for special radiographic procedures. Also introduced will be advanced procedures of peripheral and visceral angiography. Specialized equipment and devices as well as special patient care are related areas that are reviewed.

Special Imaging Equipment

This course introduces students to advanced imaging modalities. In this overview the students explore Mammography, MRI, Nuclear Medicine, PET, Ultrasound, Bone Densitometry, and Radiation Therapy.

Registry Review

This course is designed to aid the student in preparing for the registry exam through review of material previously studied. Information for this review shall be obtained not only through the aid of texts previously used throughout this program, but also with the aid of registry review books and simulated testing. Passing a designated mock exam qualifies the graduate for a block of credit through Ivy Tech Community College and results in the award of an Associates of Applied Science in Imaging Science degree.

Structured Competency-based Clinical Education I - VIII

As a student progresses through the Radiologic Technology Curriculum, the information offered is cumulative. The basic concepts of anatomy, radiographic positioning, radiographic exposure, electronic imaging and radiation protection become the basis of the student's background knowledge for clinical training. In the clinical education portion of the program, students are assigned to rotations through the clinical sites that are carefully integrated with the didactic courses of study. This will allow the student opportunity to achieve clinical objectives for that area and to gain proficiency through a competency-based system.

The policy for placement of students in clinical Mammography rotations has been revised.  

Click here for the revised Mammography rotation policy