Admission Requirements
Technical Standards for Admission
Admissions Procedure
Additional Information
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Below is additional information about our program.
The fee for tuition is $3500 per year, payable by June 1 prior to classes starting in July. Tuition for the senior year is due July 1, upon successful completion of the freshman year. An option is available to students to split the payment into (2) equal installments of $1750, with the first payment due as described above and the second payment due by December 1. In the last 6 months of the program, students will be required to pay a fee for testing that will enable the award of credit toward a degree from Ivy Tech Community College. This cost is approximately $80.
Students will also make application in the spring of their second year to take the national registry exam issued by the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists (ARRT) upon graduation. The fee for this national exam is $225. Passing this exam enables our graduates to work as registered technologists.
A 100% refund of the first year tuition amount (paid) will be granted if the student decides to withdraw from the program on or before the first day of the school year. A 50% refund of the first year tuition amount (paid) will be granted if the student decides to withdraw from the program within the first four weeks of the first school year. No refund will be issued if the student withdraws after the first 4 weeks of the program.
Students are responsible for the purchase of their textbooks. This may be done through the hospital to allow the student to qualify for our volume discount. Package price for the entire program has been running approximately $1000 total for the two years. Students have had some luck purchasing textbooks on their own at various web sites, however those purchasing books from other sources must make sure they are the proper edition and available prior to class.
Students are responsible for the purchase of their uniforms. This may be done at various uniform shops or at other select stores of the student's choosing. Students should purchase enough uniforms so that they have a clean, fresh uniform every day. Prices for uniform tops or slacks vary from $15 -$20 per item.
Columbus Regional Hospital School of Radiologic Technology does not participate in federal financial aid nor does it sponsor financial assistance programs. Students may find additional information on financial aid websites such as www.fastweb.com. Students entering the program with existing educational loans may find it advantageous to request a forbearance through their lending institution to delay loan repayment until completion of this program. Arrangements for financial assistance are solely the responsibility of the student.
Columbus Regional Hospital School of Radiologic Technology is approved for Veterans’ Educational Assistance with the Indiana Department of Veteran’s Affairs through the GI Bill. More information can be found at the GI Bill website https://benefits.va.gov/gibill/ or by contacting the Program Director.
The program is a continuous 24 months of study with classes broken down into (8) 13-week quarters. Each school year begins in July and ends at the end of June of the following year. Students are issued grades at the end of each quarter. See Curriculum section for more details.
All classes are held at the facilities of Columbus Regional Hospital. Clinical Education is received in the facilities of the hospital and at Southern Indiana Orthopedics.
Classroom instruction is held during normal weekday hours. The majority of clinical rotations occurs during weekday hours, although students will also be assigned to limited rotations for weekend and evening experience. Clinical hours spent in weekend and evening assignments will not exceed 25% of the total clinical clock hours.
Students are expected to attend all scheduled meetings of classes. An absence from class does not excuse a student from the responsibility for material presented or work assigned in that class.
An absence from the clinic which is not reported in advance and excused will result in probationary status for the student. A second occurrence will be deemed sufficient grounds for dismissal from the program.
Student "sick" days and "vacation time" have been combined into one category called "Permitted Days Off " (PDO) with students receiving the equivalent of 5 days off per quarter. These may be used for illness, personal business, or scheduled vacations, but are separate from holidays granted off. Scheduled days off may be broken into half-day increments if it is only necessary for a student to be gone a part of a day.
As a reward for students who do not miss any days during a quarter, they will be allowed to take the entire 5 days off consecutively during the 13th week of that quarter. Students who have used days but still have some remaining may take those as well during this time. No didactic classes will be scheduled during that week so that the student can take the time off to rest and recharge for the next quarter. Days may not be held over into the next quarter.
Columbus Regional Hospital recognizes the following six holidays: New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day. Students will be granted time off for all 6 holidays and for the day after Thanksgiving during the course of their training.
The dress code for students attending Columbus Regional Hospital School of Radiologic Technology is as follows:
The use of cell phones or other interactive devices is prohibited in the classroom or in the clinical setting at any time. In addition, students are responsible to make sure that their cell phones or other devices are turned off or muted so as not to be disruptive to others. Students may make calls during break or lunch time, but in an appropriate area other than the classroom or clinical areas.
It is the policy of Columbus Regional Hospital to practice and monitor "radiation safety" for all employees and student radiographers. Students are issued a radiation monitoring badge to wear at all times while performing clinical responsibilities during the 24 month program.
The American Society of Radiologic Technologists states that customary radiation safety practices for pregnant radiation workers shall be followed. In order to adhere to the guidelines of the National Council on Radiation Protection, a pregnancy policy has been created for this program and is available per applicant request.
The following services are provided to students. Additional information is available from the Program Director per applicant request.
Academic and clinical counseling is conducted each quarter, or more frequently, as needed. Students may also seek counseling on personal matters that may be affecting their performance in the program. There are various social service agencies that can provide this service. Contact the Program Director for more information.
Students are encouraged to bring any questions or concerns involving didactic, clinical, or the program in general to the Program Director or Clinical Instructor. Often informal discussion can provide a better understanding of the matter by the student and many times resolve the concern. If not, or in more serious matters including those involving the treatment of the student by program officials, clinical staff, or other students, the discussion will be formally documented along with information about what actions were taken and follow-up measures to ensure the issue was remedied.
Should a student ever have a complaint resulting from a decision, act, or omission that directly affects the student, or if they feel that they have not received fair treatment, they have the undeniable right to proceed through the steps outlined below:
The Buckley Amendment assures the student of fair policy and right to privacy.
To ensure accountability, the Columbus Regional Hospital School of Radiologic Technology maintains a log of formal student appeals made through the Grievance Policy to rulings regarding program policies, disciplinary actions, or other educational matters. Documentation is also maintained of complaints and concerns as described above. Tracking of occurrences helps the program to note if there is a pattern in student concerns which may indicate a need for further program review.
The Joint Review Committee on Education in Radiologic Technology is available to any student for consultation on allegations of non-compliance with the Standards. The address and phone number are available at the end of the handbook (Appendix C).
Columbus Regional Hospital does not provide housing facilities for students attending any of the programs sponsored by or affiliated with the hospital.
Columbus Regional Hospital does not accept transfer, part-time, or advanced placement students.
Employment outside the school is permitted as long as school scheduling takes priority. The school will not alter students' schedules to accommodate outside work schedules. Students are expected to regard their training as top priority and to be present for assigned schedules regardless of outside employment.