Admission Requirements


All radiography program graduates seeking certification by the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists (ARRT) must have completed at least an associate degree to be eligible to sit for the exam. To meet this requirement, the Columbus Regional Hospital School of Radiologic Technology has partnered with Ivy Tech Community College to provide general education courses required for an Associate of Applied Science in Imaging Science degree.

Candidates applying to the Columbus Regional Hospital School of Radiologic Technology must meet the following admission requirements:

  • Have completed the following Ivy Tech general education prerequisite courses with a grade of at least 2.0 (C) on a 4.0 scale:
MATH 136
College Algebra 
3 cr.
ENGL 111
English Composition
3 cr.
HLHS 101
Medical Terminology
3 cr.
COMM 101 or
COMM 102
Public Speaking or 
Interpersonal Communications
3 cr.
PSYC 101 or
SOCI 111
Intro to Psychology or
Intro to Sociology
3 cr.
APHY 101
Anatomy & Physiology 1*
3 cr.
APHY 102
Anatomy & Physiology 2*
3 cr.
IVYT 101
Student Success
1-3 cr.
In addition, CRH requires:
Intro to Chemistry or Physics
(at least 100 level or equivalent**
3 cr.

 *Online Anatomy & Physiology courses are not accepted by CRH, however face-to-face or virtual versions taken in 2020 due to the COVID19 pandemic will be accepted. 

**Two semester of high school Chemistry or two semesters of high school Physics with grades of 2.0 (C) or better will be recognized as an acceptable equivalent.

  • Submit an SAT or ACT score (Due to a recent change in the SAT exam, we are no longer observing a minimum cut-off score for the SAT or the ACT. Points toward admission from either exam will be based upon the strength of the exam score).  
  • Attend an information session to meet with the Program Director, receive information about the program, participate in an aptitude test, and receive instructions for applying to the program.
  • Submit to the Program Director the completed application form by March 1 of the year he/she wishes to attend, along with a $20 non-refundable application fee made payable to Columbus Regional Hospital.
  • Submit official transcripts of grades from high school (to include an SAT or ACT score) and college by March 1 of the year in which he/she wishes to attend.
  • Possess the physical ability to perform tasks required of radiographers. See Technical Standards for Admission.
  • Pass a pre-enrollment drug screening and background check. This is required of all healthcare workers having direct patient contact.

Note: Conviction of a misdemeanor or felony may indicate lack of good moral character for the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists' (ARRT) purposes. Pre-application review procedures are in place to allow individuals who are not yet enrolled in an educational program to determine if a conviction would interfere with exam eligibility. Visit for more information.

Completion of the Admission Requirements does not guarantee admission into this highly competitive program. Selection is by means of a point system based upon courses and grades in the applicant's background, SAT or ACT score, aptitude test score, and reference checks. An interview process for the top scholastic candidates will be conducted as well.

Courses in Progress

The deadline for submission of all application materials is March 1; however, applicants who have a required college course "in progress" at the time of application will be allowed to apply with documented evidence of enrollment in that course from their college. In the event that a student is accepted under these circumstances, the acceptance will be contingent upon completion of all required courses by the end of the current spring semester with an acceptable grade as stated above.

Because a point system is used, students with all required courses completed and grades issued prior to the deadline of March 1 may have an advantage over those who have not yet completed all the required courses at the time of application.