Our Hospice Announces Return of Grief Support Groups - Online

by User Not Found | Sep 16, 2020

Our Hospice is pleased to announce the return of our Grief Support Groups with a brand new format to ensure we keep everyone’s safety in mind. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, our in-person groups were canceled in late March. Until we know that we can safely return to the in-person groups, we will provide confidential on-screen Zoom group meetings. “These support groups are open to anyone who has experienced a loss, not only the families that were cared for by Our Hospice,” said Laura Leonard, President. “Connecting to a support group after a loss has many benefits as participants share experiences and bring comfort and strength to each other.”

The times and days of groups are as follows:

Tuesdays – every week: Beginning Again Group - for anyone who has lost a loved one.

  • Afternoon group: 2:00-3:30pm
  • Evening group: 5:30-7:00pm

Once a month: Wings for the Journey group – for anyone who has experienced the death of a child (of any age).

  •  Third Tuesday: 7:00-8:30pm

You may choose whichever group and time works best for you. Please download the Zoom app on any smart device (smart phone, laptop, computer, tablet) and participate in a confidential, virtual group. Our Hospice Bereavement Specialist, David Dopson, can send instructions for downloading the app, assist with questions, and get you pre-registered. David can be contacted by phone at 812-314-8096 or email [email protected]

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