Stroke Rehabilitation Programs
Rehabilitation of the patient with a stroke begins during the acute treatment phase. As the patient's condition improves, a more extensive rehabilitation program is often begun.
The outlook for stroke patients today is more hopeful than ever due to advances in both stroke treatment and rehabilitation. Stroke rehabilitation works best when the patient, family, and rehabilitation staff works together as a team. Family members must learn about impairments and disabilities caused by the stroke and how to help the patient achieve optimal function again.
The goal of stroke rehabilitation is to help the patient return to the highest level of function and independence possible, while improving the overall quality of life — physically, emotionally, and socially. Rehabilitation is designed to meet each person's specific needs; therefore, each program is different. Some general treatment components for stroke rehabilitation programs include the following:
- Treating the basic disease and preventing complications
- Treating the disability and improving function
- Providing adaptive tools and altering the environment
- Teaching the patient and family and helping them adapt to lifestyle changes
Stroke can cause several types of disabilities: paralysis or problems controlling movement such as walking or balance and/or swallowing; sensory (ability to feel touch, pain, temperature, or position) disturbances; difficulty using or understanding language; thinking and memory problems, and emotional disturbances. Stroke rehabilitation can help you recover from the effects of stroke, relearn skills, and new ways to perform tasks and depends on many variables, including the following:
- Cause, location, and severity of stroke
- Type and degree of any impairments and disabilities from the stroke
- Overall health of the patient
- Family support
Areas covered in stroke rehabilitation programs may include:
Patient need Example
Self-care skills, including activities Feeding, grooming, bathing, dressing,
of daily living (ADLs) toileting, and sexual functioning
Mobility skills Walking, transfers, and self-propelling
a wheelchair
Communication skills Speech, writing, and alternative methods
of communication
Cognitive skills Memory, concentration, judgment,
problem solving, and organizational skills
Socialization skills Interacting with others at home and within
the community
Vocational training Work-related skills
Pain management Medications and alternative methods of
managing pain
Psychological testing Identifying problems and solutions with
thinking, behavioral, and emotional issues
Family support Assistance with adapting to lifestyle
changes, financial concerns, and
discharge planning
Education Patient and family education and training
about stroke, medical care, and adaptive
The Stroke Rehabilitation Team
The stroke rehabilitation team revolves around the patient and family and helps set short- and long-term treatment goals for recovery. Many skilled professionals are part of the neurology rehabilitation team, including any or all of the following:
Critical care nurse
Other specialty doctors
Rehabilitation specialists
Physical therapist
Occupational therapist
Speech/language pathologist
Registered dietitian
Social worker
Case manager
Recreation therapist
Vocational counselor
Types of Stroke Rehabilitation Programs
There are a variety of stroke treatment programs, including the following:
Acute rehabilitation programs
Subacute rehabilitation programs
Long-term care rehabilitation programs
Home health rehabilitation programs