Breast Recommendation for Biopsy to Initial Treatment
In the treatment of breast cancer, studies show that it is essential for best outcomes that the
patient see all of the recommended specialists on the journey through treatment in a timely
manner. This requires a detailed process for timely referrals and appointments. Studies show
that once a person has a mammogram that shows the need for a biopsy, the patient will have a
superior outcome if they receive initial treatment within 42 days.
When a person has a mammogram and the physician says they need a biopsy, the clock starts
ticking. Will the person see all the required specialists? Will the initial treatment begin within 42
days? The Breast Health Center and Cancer Center wanted to be sure that the pathway to the
needed treatment was smooth and timely.
Our study reviewed the following process points:
- Mammogram with recommendation for biopsy
- Initial biopsy
- Surgical consultation
- Initial treatment
We studied this pathway and found that at CRH, we consistently provide initial treatment within
42 days.
The office of Southern Indiana Surgery has streamlined the evaluation process prior to IV port
placement for chemotherapy. In most cases the SIS Nurse Practitioner can see the patient
within 2-3 days of the call for appointment, and ports can typically be placed within a week.
To ensure that our patients receive the timely care that is associated with the best outcomes,
our team is reviewing options for same day breast biopsies. This would further decrease the
time between the recommendation of the biopsy and the actual biopsy; in some cases on the
same day. The Cancer Center, the Breast Health Center, the surgeons groups, the radiologist
groups, and quality management are proud to provide cancer care in time for the very best