Dec 16, 2021

Service Award Profile: Heather Hatton, Office Manager, Columbus Pediatrics – Five Years

Heather Hatton newsHeather Hatton enjoys working with pediatric patients and their parents. “I always say the children are our patients, but the parents are our customers. Being able to watch a patient come in as a newborn and see them grow – it’s very rewarding,” Heather said.

Heather also really enjoys the people she works with, describing them as a “family” and adding that “being able to work with people that you respect and enjoy makes it even better to serve our community.”

This year Heather will receive her five-year Service Award. She started her career at CRH in 2012 in the Communications department and joined Columbus Pediatrics in 2016. Over the last five years, Heather has served as a Front Office Specialist, the Front Office Lead, and now the Office Manager, a role she assumed two years ago. Heather is grateful for the opportunities she has had to advance in her career. “That is a great thing about CRH - the growth potential and to be able to move up and serve in a different way,” she said.

Working in pediatrics brings a lot of variety to the job, as well as challenges – two things Heather likes.  “I’ve always loved to help people – to be there for people. You just never know what phone call you’re going to get, who is going to walk in the door – not knowing what the situation is, then having the challenge to dig into it and resolve it, is something I enjoy,” she said.

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