Columbus Regional Health implements visitor restrictions on hospital campus
With the best interests of our patients and workforce in mind, Columbus Regional Health announces restrictions on visitation to the hospital campus. Effective Saturday, November 14, 2020, visitors are allowed only under the following special circumstances or categories:
For inpatients and surgical patients:
- One patient caretaker for in-person education such as post-operative instructions, medication changes, mobility restrictions, etc. This includes a support person deemed essential to the care and safety of patients with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities and patients with cognitive impairments, including dementia.
- End-of-life/comfort care: Per the Indiana State Department of Health guidelines, the number of family members should be limited to no more than one or two.
For Birthing Center patients:
- One support individual over the age of 18, such as a spouse, partner, sibling or another person chosen by the patient to be present during delivery (during labor/delivery/recovery/postpartum stay, a mother may have only ONE support person)
- No doulas, community partners, or other persons allowed on the unit unless specified by the patient to be their one support person
The one support person will not be allowed to leave the unit for the entire stay of the mother - Parents of minor labor and delivery patients may be granted altered visitation
- No doulas, community partners, or other persons allowed on the unit unless specified by the patient to be their one support person
Pediatric patients:
- Two designated individuals; only one parent/guardian support person at a time per day
- Level II Nursery (two designated individuals; only one parent/guardian support person at a time per day.
Visits and communication through virtual means or our Email-A-Patient form are encouraged, and staff is happy to help patients and their loved ones make those connections. Columbus Regional Health understands the difficulty of visitor restrictions; however they are important measures to help us protect the health of our patients and workforce. We appreciate the communities continued support and patients as we all continue to navigate this pandemic.
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