Jun 12, 2020

VIDEO: CEO Statement On Racism and Discrimination


In this video, Columbus Regional Health President and CEO Jim Bickel reflects on what he can do both personally and as the leader of the health system regarding racial injustice and combating discrimination based on race, gender, sexual orientation and religion.


Hello, I’m Jim Bickel, President and CEO of Columbus Regional Health. I have proudly been part of the Columbus Regional team for almost 30 years and its CEO for the past 13 years.

2020 has been a unique and challenging year – globally, nationally, as well as locally. In March, the COVID pandemic crisis emerged and has impacted all of us personally, emotionally and economically.

In late May, the tragic and inexcusable death of George Floyd sparked an outcry across our country to address the racial injustices that exist.

I continue to reflect on what I can do both personally and a the leader of our local health system.

It’s not an issue as to whether or not these injustices exist – they certainly do – but more about the actions we all can do personally and together.

Now is the time to further our awareness, have meaningful and constructive dialogue that can lead to actions that serve to eliminate racism and discrimination.

It’s long overdue, and it’s time.

As the leader of our local health system, I want everyone to know that we have and will always serve and care for all – regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, or religion – with great compassion and empathy. 

Discrimination has no place at Columbus Regional Health.

We are here for our patients and their families when they need health and healthcare services, whenever they need care, and whoever they are. 

Personally and as the leader of Columbus Regional Health, I am committed to be part of the solution to eliminate these racial injustices.

I know you will join me in this effort.

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