May 10, 2020

Birthing Center Mothers Share Photos of Their Kiddos

Collage of photos of children.

Virtual reunion time!! Remember one year ago when these glowing members of our Birthing Center were expecting at the same time? Well the babies have arrived!! Because COVID-19 prevents an in-person reunion photo session, many of the moms featured below submitted recent pics of their newest family additions. Congratulations to all!!

Line of pregnant nurses from the CRH Birthing Center.

Pictured above from left to right:

Jennifer Thomas, DO 

Brooke Dye, RN 

Katherine Smith, RN 

Morgan Hartwell, RN 

Emily Nauert, PCT

Bethany Cole, RN 

Meagan Schroeder, RN 

Loren Murray, MD

Sarah Hudson, RN 

Morgan Myers, RN 

Susannah Weir, RN 

Cheyenne Sullivan (no longer works for organization)

Ashley Trepanier, RN 

Emily Linke, RN 

Traci Smith (no longer works for the organization)

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