Jan 23, 2018

Healthy Communities tobacco cessation program continues


Healthy Communities is offering a full roster of tobacco cessation classes in 2018. The 8-week program, which is funded in-part through Columbus Regional Health Foundation, uses American Lung Association’s "Freedom from Smoking" curriculum. Participants will also have access to FDA-approved cessation medication, such as nicotine replacement patches or gum. The classes will meet once a week from 6 to 8 p.m. at Our Hospice of South Central Indiana, located at 2626 17th Street in Columbus. Cost of the class is $35. Pre-registration is preferred.

“We recognize that tobacco use is still a huge burden on our community with 23 percent of Bartholomew County residents identifying as current smokers,” said Kylee Jones, tobacco awareness coordinator with Healthy Communities. With the number of diseases and health problems associated with tobacco use, our health system recognizes the need for additional resources, Jones said.

Those interested in participating should call 1-800-699-1019 or email [email protected] to register. These classes are open to adults 18 years and older as well as their support partners. All fees will be collected on the first day of each class at the start of each session. For more information or questions, contact the tobacco awareness coordinator at 812-375-3194. The remaining 2018 dates for the classes are as follows:

  • March 7 through April 25
  • May 2 through June 20
  • July 11 through August 29
  • September 5 through October 24

Media Contact: Kylee Jones
Tobacco Awareness Coordinator
Healthy Communities
[email protected]
(812) 375-3194

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