Apr 27, 2017

Columbus Regional Health appoints Associate Chief Medical Officers

R. Lee Kiser, MD and Slade Crowder, MD
R. Lee Kiser, MD, left, and Slade Crowder, MD

           Columbus Regional Health is pleased to announce the addition of two leadership positions within our medical staff -- Associate Chief Medical Officer (ACMO) of Columbus Regional Hospital and ACMO of Columbus Regional Health Physicians.

            R. Lee Kiser, M.D., will serve as ACMO of Columbus Regional Hospital. Slade Crowder, M.D., will serve as ACMO of Columbus Regional Health Physicians. The ACMO works to establish and facilitate the system of care to deliver high quality medical care, excellent patient experience, and cost containment for patients across the entire health system. Each plays a pivotal role in determining and executing the strategy and building systems of Columbus Regional Health to provide high quality medical care and an excellent patient experience within the hospital and the physician practices.

            Dr. Kiser has served as a leader in multiple roles within Columbus Regional Health since his arrival in the community, including Section Chief of Medicine, Chief of Staff - Elect, and currently serving as Chief of Staff at Columbus Regional Hospital.

            Dr. Crowder has been a leader in multiple roles within Columbus Regional Health, including Section Chief of Family Medicine, Medical Director of Sandcrest Family Medicine, and most recently serving as Chairman of the Physician Operating Committee of Columbus Regional Health Physicians.

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