Apr 13, 2017

Breast Health Center receives grant to provide low-cost breast health services

(Joel Philippsen/CRH)
Breast Health Center manager and nurse navigator Deana Tuell consults with a patient.

The Breast Health Center at Columbus Regional Health received a $45,000 grant from the Susan G. Komen Foundation in early April.

This grant funding will go toward the Mammography Assistance Program (MAP), which offers individualized help to breast cancer patients and their families, providing services such as prevention through education, timely screening, diagnosis, treatment and survivorship. Columbus Regional Health will also use Komen Central Indiana dollars to help VIMCare Clinic patients, who are uninsured or under-insured.

Counties served by Columbus Regional Health’s Mammography Assistance Program include Bartholomew, Brown and Johnson. MAP nurse navigators help local breast cancer patients navigate complexities of the healthcare system, reducing barriers to treatment, decreasing wait times between additional diagnostic tests, diagnosis and treatment and providing support they need in a timely manner.

“Komen Central Indiana has enabled Columbus Regional Health to bring low-cost mammograms and breast ultrasounds to local women who need them,” said Deana Tuell, RN, BSOM, OCN, CBCN, Breast Health Center Manager. “Komen Central Indiana is an ongoing partner with our program, bringing disparate interests and functions together in a cost–effective manner.”

Since 1992, Komen Central Indiana has invested more than $20 million in Community Impact Grants, providing leadership and direction within the community to meet the most crucial needs and save lives. 
Columbus Regional Health was one of nine community programs selected by an independent review panel to partner with Komen Central Indiana in the 2017-2018 grant cycle. 

“Columbus Regional Health Foundation is thrilled to be partnering with Komen Central Indiana to continue to provide services and programs that benefit the community,” said Rebekah A. Walsh, Senior Development Officer, Columbus Regional Health Foundation. “We are grateful for Komen Central Indiana’s continued support and look forward to working with them to reach our most vulnerable populations.” 


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