May 4, 2016

Columbus Regional Health, Bartholomew County first responders to host live action simulation training

In partnership with area first responders and conducted by Bartholomew County Emergency Management, Columbus Regional Health is scheduled to host a simulation training exercise pertaining to armed-intruder/active shooter awareness and response.
As a system, Columbus Regional Health has been working for several months to develop an official armed-intruder response policy, as well as readiness training protocols and programming.  

The full scale Armed-Intruder Simulation is scheduled for May 10. Staging will begin at 8:30 a.m. and the simulation will run until approximately Noon. A second simulation pertaining to mass casualty training will begin the same day at 1 p.m. and run until about 4 p.m. These simulations will take place in the new Emergency Department, which remains under construction and is scheduled to open to the public at the end of May.

Participants will include Bartholomew County Emergency Management, Bartholomew County Sheriff’s Office, Columbus Police Department and Columbus Fire Department. Live simulations are an important training tool for the Columbus Regional Health workforce as well as the community partners and organizations the health system works with on a daily basis.

For safety reasons, viewing of this simulation training is closed to the public; however, media is invited to cover the event. Please contact Columbus Regional Health public relations coordinator Kelsey DeClue to register media coverage.

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