Home 5 Tips for Controlling Asthma in Children by Andrew Laker | Sep 08, 2017 (?) (?) (?) If you have a child with asthma, there's a lot you can do to help keep the asthma symptoms under control. Here are five suggestions for an asthma action plan. 1. Keep an asthma diary Your child's doctor can't improve an asthma treatment plan unless you and the doctor know how it's working. This is why it's helpful to keep an asthma diary. Use a notebook to write about how your child feels. Write notes on the days when your child suffers from an asthma attack. Be sure to write the date and your child's asthma symptoms, such as wheezing and coughing. Record quality-of-life problems, such as reduced activity and trouble sleeping through the night because of coughing or difficulty breathing. If your child takes rescue medicine during an asthma attack, record when and how often your child needed the medicine and the peak flow readings before and after the medicine. If your child takes medicines regularly, record the dosages. Some parents who have children with asthma find it useful to have a comments section for each day. This way, they can write notes about asthma attack triggers (things that can start asthma problems, such as pollen or dust) and side effects. Do you need to keep a daily record when things are calm? That's up to you. A good rule to follow is: If you notice symptoms, write them down. 2. Use a peak-flow meter A peak-flow meter measures the flow of air out of the lungs in liters per minute. It is used to measure the maximum flow of air as the child forcefully exhales. It can help you judge the health of your child's lungs. Your doctor or pharmacist can teach you how to use the peak-flow meter. Record your child's personal best reading. You should ask the doctor at what peak flow number you should give your child rescue medications, and at what number you should bring the child in to be seen. 3. Talk with the doctor Take your child for regular checkups even if your child feels fine. The doctor will check your child's breathing. If your child takes medicine, the doctor will make sure it is working right. Take advantage of your time with the doctor to show the doctor the asthma diary and to ask questions. Your doctor should give you a written asthma action plan, including information on how and when to give medications, and when the child should be seen. 4. Learn to manage medicines The better you understand your child's asthma medicines, the better you can manage your child's care. When the doctor gives you information about medicines for asthma in children, write it down, or better yet ask your doctor to write out the instructions for you. Always follow instructions about what medicines to take and when to take them. There are several types of asthma medicines. Maintenance medicines prevent asthma symptoms, and must be given every day, even when your child is feeling well. Rescue medications are given to treat asthma symptoms when they develop. Sometimes your child will need certain medicines even when he or she seems healthy. Ask the doctor to show you how to give the medicine. Giving the medicines correctly makes a big difference in how well they work. 5. Learn all you can about asthma in children You are a key member of your child's medical team. Becoming educated about asthma in children, and about your child's asthma in particular, will help you and your child manage the condition effectively. Start your education in the doctor's office. The staff can give you literature about asthma in children. They can also show you how to use medical devices such as inhalers and tell you what to expect from medicines. They may be able to refer you to classes or support groups in your area. Other great resources are the library or the American Lung Association. Visit Our Lung Institute Page Show oldest on top Show newest on top Leave a comment Load more comments Thank you for the comment! Your comment must be approved first You've already submitted a review for this item Thank you! Your review has been submitted successfully Login to be able to comment Leave a comment Comment cannot be empty Rating is required Click to add (?) Click to add (?) New code Please type the code above You typed the code incorrectly. Please try again Want more stories like this? Subscribe to our E-newsletter Go to Healthy Tomorrow home