Columbus Community
Columbus has been ranked 6th in the nation for architectural innovation and design by the American Institute of Architects. The Columbus Area Visitor Center offers a variety of tour options that allow the public to view and explore the many architectural gems in Columbus.
Columbus is taking a fresh approach to learning. Columbus was the first city in the US to adopt the new Project-Based Learning model across all educational levels called the Columbus Signature Academy.
The city is a hotbed for talents resulting in greater opportunities. To make these connections the community created Columbus Young Professional (CYP). CYP's goal is to provide social networking, professional development and community advocacy to young professionals throughout Columbus. Find out more at www.Columbusyp.org.
Leadership Bartholomew County (LBC) is a non-profit organization founded in 1982 with a goal of developing leaders who can help improve the quality of life for county residents. The LBC program has evolved to focus on specific leadership traits needed in the 21st century. Over the past 20 years, more than 600 Bartholomew County residents have completed the nine-month program, most of whom are or have been active in various community organizations.
Columbus aspires to be an inclusive plug-and-play community, where outsiders can quickly become insiders. To further these ideas, the city has created the Columbus Area Multi-Ethnic Association (CAMEO), a broad-based coalition of ethnic associations that coordinates the activities that advance the concept of "welcoming community" and promote an appreciation of the traditions and customs of residents of all ethnic cultures. CRH has joined CAMEO as a partner member. Visit CAMEO's website at www.Columbuscameo.org
Columbus has also been recognized as "best of the best" for landscaped areas and design. An inviting downtown streetscape; Mill Race: a park heralded around the nation; Cummins' corporate office; North Christian church; and People Trails: 19 miles of people power are some of the brilliant examples.